This domain has not yet been priced and you can make an offer for it using the form. The offer is binding for 7 days. During that period the seller can reject or accept it.
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Leasing a domain
The leasing fee for the domain is 10 % of the sale price of the domain and the fee is charged once a year.
Fee is increased by 10 % every calendar year.
The lessee of the domain name can redeem the domain name for her/himself at any time. The purchase price of the domain is the lease fee of the current year multiplied by ten.
No one other than the current lessee of the domain has the right to redeem the domain.
The lessee of the domain name is responsible for the content of the domain and its legality.
If the lessee does not pay the rent by the due date or otherwise neglects these conditions, the lease contract will be terminated immediately.
If any questions feel free to contact us